Zeit: | 15. – 17. Juni 2022 |
Referent*in: | Ellen Brandner, Alexander Pfaff, Ljudmila Geist, et al. |
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This is the kick-off workshop of the DFG-funded project Partition and Individuation in Germanic (PartInG) which examines phenomena such as (pseudo-) partitivity, measuring, counting, singling-out and their various lexicalization strategies – case marking, prepositions, (indefinite) articles, inflection etc. Close attention is paid to the fine structure of the lower nominal domain, structure-meaning correlations, syncretisms and multifunctionality of the items involved.
The workshop is intended to bring together our cooperation partners, and is co-hosted by Ljudmila Geist's DFG-project on the Fine Structure of the Noun Phrase. We intend to use this opportunity to elaborate on our agenda, discuss research strategies, present preliminary results, and refine our research questions. The program furthermore includes three open/general discussion sessions on lexical properties of n/N, countability, and multifunctionality. You are cordially invited to attend our workshop!
Wednesday, 15.06 (M 17.16)* | Thursday, 16.06 (tba) | Friday, 17.06 (M 17.15) | |
09:00-10:00 | informal meeting, coffee |
Svetlana Petrova On the distribution of strong and weak adjectival inflection in OHG |
Sigríður Sæunn Sigurðardóttir Nascent change in Modern Icelandic: The emergence of an indefinite article |
10:15-11:15 | 11:00 Welcome and introduction (Ellen Brandner) | Johanna Wood On measure nouns and pseudopartitives |
Alex Rehn The defective German indefinite paradigm - a new perspective from non-standard varieties |
11:30-12:30 | Martina Wiltschko Above and beyond the DP: the configuration of interaction in the nominal domain |
Pavel Caha On the relationship among pseudopartitives, counting constructions and plurals |
Tom Leu How complex “ein”-determiners help teasing apart adjectival agreement and oblique case morphology |
14:00-15:00 | Paolo Acquaviva (What) Does the nominal spine mean? Conceptual ontology and lexical knowledge. |
Alex Pfaff Divide and count. On measuring and counting in natural language |
Ellen Brandner On grammaticalization and nanosyntax |
15:15-16:15 | Ljudmila Geist The fine-grained structure of countability in Slavic: singulative, plural and mass/count elasticity |
General discussion: What is in little n? |
General discussion: Countability and (Pseudo-)Partitivity |
General discussion: How to deal with multifunctionality? |
Dinner | social event (to be announced) |
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Ellen Brandner
apl. Prof. Dr.Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Ljudmila Geist
Priv.-Doz. Dr.Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin DFG, Projektleiterin