Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 4.054
Office Hours
By appointment via email (during the semester).
During the semester break office hours generally by appointment only.
- L2 phonology
- L2 teaching and testing
- Phonology,morphology and their interfaces
- Language and gender
Altmann, H. & S. Zerbian (accepted). "English Phonology". In: S. Dipper, R. Klabunde & W. Mihatsch (Eds.): Linguistics in comparison with languages . German studies - Romance studies - English studies. Springer publishing house.
- Altmann, H. & B. Kabak (2015). “English word stress in L2 and post-colonial varieties: unity and variation." In: U. Gut, R. Fuchs & E.-M. Wunder (Eds.), U niversal or Diverse Paths to English Phonology . Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 185-208.
- Altmann, H., I. Berger & B. Braun. 2012. “Asymmetries in the perception of non-native consonantal and vocalic length contrasts.“ Second Language Research 28 (4), 387-413.
- Altmann, H. & B. Kabak. 2011. “Second language phonology.” In: B. Botma, N. Kula & K. Nasukawa (Eds.), The Continuum Companion to Phonology . London: Continuum, 298-319.
- Altmann, H. 2006. The Perception and Production of Second Language Stress: A cross-linguistic experimental study. UMI Publishing (Dissertation).
- Altmann, H. & B. Kabak. 2005. “The use of prosodic information for disambiguating German (in)separable prefix verbs: An experimental investigation.” Unpublished Manuscript.
- Altmann, H. 2001. “Plural Formation in a Southern German Dialect: An Experimental Study.” Unveröffentlichtes Manuskript.
- Altmann, H. 1998. An Empirical Study of Verb Placement by English Second Language Learners of German. UMI Publishing (Master’s Thesis).
- „Persistent accentual features of German pre-service EFL teachers”. 5th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching. Saarbrücken,Germany, October 2019.
- "Vowel reduction and syllable structure in L2 English". Workshop on Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Studies in L2 Phonology, University of Stuttgart Nov 2014.
- “L2 acquisition of segmental length”. Phonology/Phonetics Colloquium, Universität Stuttgart (Germany), April 2013.
- “L1 influence on the perception of consonantal and vocalic length contrasts” (with I. Berger and B. Braun). Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia 2011, Tarragona (Spain), June 2011 (poster)
- “L2 acquisition of segmental length: the case of German and Italian” (with B.Braun and I.Berger). Workshop on Suprasegmentals in Acquisition and Processing. Konstanz, Germany, May/June 2011.
- “L2 speakers’ stress placement in the production of novel words.” EUROSLA 2007, Newcastle (UK), September 2007.
- “What more regularity means for the perception of L2 stress: the case of Thurgovian and Standard German” (with S. Weber). EUROSLA 2007, Newcastle (UK), September 2007.
- “Tenacity of L1 phonological knowledge” (with B. Kabak). Bogaziçi University (Turkey), Linguistics Program, April 2007.
- “German children’s perception of (non)separable prefix verbs.” Workshop Phonology in First Language Acquisition, Konstanz (Germany), January 2007.
- “The perception of L2 stress.” EUROSLA 2006, Antalya (Turkey), September 2006.
- “The perception of L2 stress: The role of L1.” Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester (UK), May 2006 (poster).
- “Second language stress: Perception and production” (with I. Vogel) International Symposium on Bilingualism 4, Tempe, Arizona (USA), May 2003.
- “L2 acquisition of stress: The role of L1” (with I. Vogel). DGfS Jahrestagung, Mannheim (Germany), March 2002.
- “The role of L1 in the L2 acquisition of stress.” Linguistics and Cognitive Science Colloquium Series, Newark, Delaware (USA), April 2002.
- 2006: Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Delaware (USA)
- 2000: M.A. in Linguistics, University of Delaware (USA)
- 1998: M.A. in Foreign Languages (German), University of Wyoming (USA)
- 1993-1996: Hauptstudium an der Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 1992-1993: Austauschaufenthalt an der Fudan Universität, Shanghai (China)
- 1992: Zwischenprüfung in Anglistik und Sinologie, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Akademische Stellen :
- seit 2013: wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Anglistische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Stuttgart
- 2011-2014: wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Anglistische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Würzburg
- 2007-2011: wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Anglistische Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz
- 2006-2007: Lehrbeauftragte, Institut für Linguistik, Universität Konstanz
- 2003-2004: Sprachlehrerin (ESL und DAF), Inlingua, Konstanz
- 2001-2003: Instructor und Teaching Assistant, Department of Linguistics, University of Delaware (USA)
- 2000-2001: Redaktionsassistentin der Fachzeitschrift Language and Speech (Herausgeber: Irene Vogel, Tim Bunnell)
- 2000-2003: Instructor, English Language Institute, University of Delaware (USA)
- 1998-2000: Instructor und Research Assistant, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Delaware (USA)
- 1996-1998: Instructor und Teaching Assistant, Department of Modern Languages, University of Wyoming (USA)