Raum 4.057
Keplerstr. 17, Stockwerk 4b
70174 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 711 685-83120
Fax: +49 711 685-83122
Secretary's office hours
Monday- Friday
09:00 bis 12:00 a.m.
01:00 bis 03:00 p.m.
by train or local public transport
Via long distance or regional train: Please note that the main train station is under construction. Please expect changes in signage and walkways!
Upon arrival at the main train station (Hauptbahnhof), go to the beginning of the tracks and to the walkways to the arrivals hall on the right (if you arrive on tracks 1-3, it will be on the left or straight ahead). Go through the unmarked exit to the right of the “Marktstation". Cross the road (at the traffic lights and continue straight ahead. At the next intersection you will be in the KRONENSTRASSE. Turn right, walk straight ahead and cross over to FRIEDRICHSTRASSE at the traffic lights. Turn left and go a few meters and turn right on to GESCHWISTER-SCHOLL-STRASSE. From here you will see the two University towers. Our institute is located in the building on the right (Kollegiengebäude 2, or K2), 4th floor (4b). [walking time about 7 minutes]
Via urban railway (S-Bahn): Leave the train station through the exit KRONENSTRASSE/LAUTENSCHLAGERSTRASSE and then through LAUTENSCHLAGERSTRASSE/UNIVERSITÄT. Turn left into KRONENSTRASSE, then walk straight ahead and cross over to FRIEDRICHSTRASSE at the traffic lights. Turn left and go a few meters and turn right on to GESCHWISTER-SCHOLL-STRASSE. From here you will see the two University towers. Our institute is located in the building on the right (Kollegiengebäude 2, or K2), 4th floor (4b). [walking time about 5 minutes]
Via tram (U-Bahn): When traveling by tram, you can reach us either from the main train station (Arnulf-Klett-Platz) as described above or take the tram (U4, U9 or U14, also U11 and U19 on city event days) to BÖRSENPLATZ, which offers the closest connection. In the latter case, please get off at the station and leave the station towards KEPLERSTRASSE. From here you will see the two University towers. Our institute is located in the rear building (Kollegiengebäude 2, or K2), 4th floor (4b). [walking time about 3 minutes]
Via bus: Bus lines 40 and 42 both stop very close to the University (stop: KATHERINENHOSPITAL). The two university towers are directly across the street (KRIEGSBERGSTRASSE). From here, our institute is located in the front building (Kollegiengebäude 2, or K2), 4th floor (4b). [walking time about 1 minute]
By Car
Traveling by car is not recommended, because campus parking facilities are limited and expensive in the vicinity of the downtown area. Please use updated GPS system for best route.
By Plane
Stuttgart Airport is located in Leinfelden-Echterdingen (just outside of Stuttgart). From the airport there is a direct train connection (S-Bahn) to the main station (Hauptbahnhof). The S-Bahn station is located below Terminal 1. From there, take either the S2 (direction SCHORNDORF) or the S3 (direction BACKNANG). The ride lasts about 27 minutes and costs approximately about € 4.20 (3 zones). Get off at HAUPTBAHNHOF station and follow the appropriate descriptions above.
CAUTION: Do NOT get off at the station marked "UNIVERSITÄT" (between ÖSTERFELD and SCHWABSTRASSE). This is the stop for the campus for Natural Sciences! Please travel further North to the main station.
Site map

Ralf Bothner
Secretary's Office English Linguistics