IMMAGES - Hosting a clause: IMplications for the MAtrix and its GuestS

DFG project

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 510195495

IMMAGES - Hosting a clause: Implications for the matrix and its guests


Cooperation partners include
Boban Arsenijević (Universität Graz)
Marcel Den Dikken (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics)
Ricardo Etxepare (Université Bordeaux Montaigne-CNRS, IKER)
Orin Percus (Université de Nantes, LLING)

Four PhD students (listed and linked above) have joined the team (see the member page). One engineer and several interns will soon participate in the project as well.

Three workshops and a conference will be organized during the project.

IMMAGES is a research project, jointly funded by the DFG and the ANR (ANR-22-FRAL-0005), which aims at a better understanding of complement clauses (arguments to verbs like say, believe, hope) and their semantic and syntactic peculiarities when it comes to their embedding. The main hypothesis that we are pursuing is that their relation to the matrix predicate is not direct, but mediated, a property that they share with relative and adverbial clauses (tripartite theory). It will involve a detailed examination of the morpho-syntactic variation, which is found cross-linguistically when it comes to the lexical source(s) of the various complementizers, combined with an examination of two competing semantic approaches, namely the traditional one that takes complement clauses to be argumentative entities and the one that analyzes embedded clauses as being predicative of an (abstract) object in the matrix clause.


This image shows Ellen Brandner

Ellen Brandner

apl. Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Associate

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