SpeechNet BaWü+
SpeechNet BaWü+ is a research network of (female) experimental linguists working on speech. The scientists are located at the southern German universities of Freiburg, Konstanz, Tübingen, Stuttgart and Trier. The members of SpeechNet have expertise in cross-language and native- versus second-language processing with special focus in prosody and in listening to variable and accented speech, with different methodological approaches. The network provides a platform for mutual exchange on experimental speech research in the region (and beyond), thereby enriching the scientific learning experience for early career researchers and fostering national and international collaborations.
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, German Department - German Linguistics
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Adriana Hanulíková, junior professor of Language and Cognition
- Helena Levy, PhD student
- Sophia Wulfert, PostDoc
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, English Department and department of psychology
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber, professor of Psycholinguistics and Applied Language Studies
- Thanh Lan Truong, PhD student
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Friedrich, professor of Developmental Psychology
- Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Ulrike Schild, post-doctoral research fellow
Universität Konstanz, Department of Linguistics
- Prof. Dr. Bettina Braun, professor of General Linguistics/Phonetik
- Marieke Einfeldt, PhD student
Universität Stuttgart, Institute of English Linguistics
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Zerbian, professor of Phonology
- Dr. Nadja Schauffler, post-doctoral research fellow
Universität Trier, department of phonetics
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Zahner-Ritter, junior professor for General and Applied Phonetics
- Dr. Judith Manzoni-Luxeburger, post-doctoral researcher
- Zarah Breitbarth, PhD Student
Former members:
- Dr. Yuki Asano
- Ann-Kathrin Grohe
- Dr. Margaret Zellers
- TiPToP: Workshop on Trends in pedagogical transmission of prosody, University of Konstanz, 12/13 October 2021.
- ProPro: Processing Prosody across languages, varieties and nativeness, University of Tübingen, 31 August / 1 September 2017.
- Mini-workshop on Phonetic Processing and Learning, University of Tübingen, 26 June 2015.
- Workshop "Linguistic and psycholinguistic studies in L2 phonology", University of Stuttgart, 21/22 November 2014.
- SpeechNet meeting at the University of Freiburg with Anne Cutler and Heather Kember (Western Sydney University), June 2016
SpeechNet meeting at the University of Tübingen, February 2016
1. Andrea Weber (University of Tübingen)
2. Bettina Braun (University of Konstanz)
3. Sabine Zerbian (University of Stuttgart)
Turco, G. & Zerbian, S. (2021). Processing of Prosody and Semantics in Sepedi and L2 English. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-020-09746-z
S. Zerbian & G. Turco. (2019): Processing focus and accents across dialects. In S. Calhoun et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (2272-2276). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
N. Schauffler, M. Zellers & S. Zerbian (2019). Stress shift and prosodic focus marking in L1 and L2 English. In S. Calhoun et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (2499-2503). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
S. Zerbian, G. Turco, N. Schauffler, M. Zellers, A. Riester. (2016). Contrastive topic constituents in German. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016, 345- 349. Boston.
4. Adriana Hanulíková (University of Freiburg)
Hanulíková, A. (2021). Do faces speak volumes? Social biases in speech comprehension and evaluation across three age groups. PLoS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259230
Levy, H. & Hanulíková, A. (2021). Language input effects on children’s words and vowels: An accent categorization and rating study. Language Sciences 89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2021.101447
Levy, H., Hanulíková, A. (2019). Variation in children’s vowel production: Effects of language exposure and lexical frequency. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 10(1): 9. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/labphon.131 more
Levy, H., Konieczny, L., Hanulíková, A. (2019). Processing of unfamiliar accents in monolingual and bilingual children: Effects of type and amount of accent experience. Journal of Child Language, 46/2, 368-392. DOI:10.1017/S030500091800051X
5. Katharina Zahner (University of Trier)
- TiPToP: On 12/13 October 2021 we conducted a very successful workshop with over 80 participants, 5 Keynote talks and 21 oral and poster presentations on Trends in pedagocial transmission of prosody.
Prosody is one of the aspects learners often struggle with when learning foreign languages (L2). The teaching of prosody is in fact still wildly overlooked, both in L1 and L2 – even though explicit prosodic knowledge will help to improve the learner’s language skills in both intelligibility and comprehension.
TiPToP was a great start to bridge the gap between prosodic research and research on teaching practices by bringing together researchers working on cross-linguistic aspects of prosody, on prosody in L2 acquisition, and the teaching of prosody. For details please visit the workshop website.
Invited speakers:
- Anne Cutler (MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University)
- Lieke van Maastricht (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Tamara Rathcke (University of Kent)
- Marnie Reed (Boston University, Wheelock College of Education & Human Development)
- Christiane Ulbrich (University of Konstanz)
- Workshop on "Processing prosody across languages, varieties and nativeness";
31.8.-1.9.2017 at the University of Tuebingen.
Doctoral students working on different aspects related to prosody processing in different languages are invited to present their work. For workshop details klick here.
Key-note speaker:
- Anne Cutler (MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University)
Invited speakers:
- Sarah A. Bibyk (Center for Language Sciences, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Dept., University of Rochester / Vanderbilt University)
- Heather Kember (MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University)
- Kiwako Ito (The Ohio State University)
- Giuseppina Turco (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, Université Sorbinne Nouvelle, Paris)
- SpeechNet BaWü and Prof. Anne Cutler (University of Western Sydney) have received funding (16.000 Euro) under the 2015-2016 Universities Australia – Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme for the project “Processing prosody across languages, varieties and nativeness”!!!
Funding period: 2016 + 2017
- JProf. Adriana Hanulíková external referee for PhD Thesis (Katharina Zahner, supervision: Prof. Dr. Betina Braun, Prof. Dr. Janet Grijzenhout)
- Prof. Anne Cutler, mentor in the MEiN 2016 programme (Mentoring with Experts and international Networking) funded by the University of Konstanz (awarded to Katharina Zahner)
- Prof. Anne Cutler, mentor in the Zukunftskolleg mentorship programme (awarded to Katharina Zahner)
Further information
Sabine Zerbian
Prof. Dr.Professor English Phonology